Call Parking
Call Parking
Call Parking is a great feature when you want to put a call on hold in the system and retrieve it from another phone.
Imagine you have just answered a sales call and you need to go to the warehouse to check if you have a particular item in stock and want to speak to the customer from the warehouse.
You can use the call park feature to place the call on a system hold and then go to the warehouse and check the item. Then from a phone in the warehouse dial the slot number to retrieve the call. To park a call:
- Whilst on a call, push the “Transfer” key on your phone
- Dial 800 on the keypad
- Wait for the system to answer and listen for the slot number, if there are no other slots in use 801 will be the first provided.
To retrieve a call:
- Dial the slot number on your keypad, e.g. if the slot number provided from the park option is 801, dial 801. If it was 803 dial 803.
- The call will now be returned to you from wherever you are.