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Create a Phone book

Create a Phone book

If you have a Yealink-branded phone, you can utilize our Phone book function to store and display the names and extensions of your employees and other contacts, so that when they are calling, you can easily identify them. You can also use the phone book to dial a particular contact as well. 


Create a Phone book

To create a phonebook, navigate to the Phone Book section of your URL Networks service dashboard.

From there, you will need to create a phonebook by clicking the blue Add Phone Book button in the top left-hand area of the page.

You will then be prompted to enter a Phone Book Name. EG: Customers.

Once named, click the Add button to continue.

You will be returned to the newly created phonebook.

From here, you can click Add Entry to add individual contacts, or click Import CSV to import a spreadsheet containing the contacts you wish to add.

Next Steps

Now that a Phone Book has been created, you may wish to import a list of contacts in CSV format.

The following guide will show how that’s done:


Finally, the Phone Book will need to be linked to a device. 

The following guide will show how that’s done: