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Mikrotik – Assign Static Lease to a Device

Assign Static Lease to a Device


  • Navigate to the Router Admin page at (Depending on your LAN Setup)
  • Login with the provided username and password.

  • Click “Webfig” in the top-right hand corner.
  • Navigate to IP > DHCP Server and select the Leases  tab.

  • Find the MAC Address in the leases column you wish to convert to a static lease.
  • Click on the entry, then click “Make Static” in the top of the page, then click close.


  • Repeat for each MAC Address you wish to make static.
  • You can change the assigned IP for each static lease by clicking the entry and modifying the IP Address, then clicking Apply.
  • You can add a static IP address for a device with no lease by navigating to IP > DHCP Server > Leases and clicking the “New” button and inputting the MAC Address (00:11:22:33:44:55) and the IP address (EG: then clicking Apply to save your changes.

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